For those of you who frequently use the internet to find information or goods that you need of course should have more protection against computer security. It is based because many people are not responsible for the spread threats such as viruses, malware and so on. To overcome this, you need antivirus internet security. There are many antivirus that offers features like that, but you should try this one. Trend Micro Internet Security 2011 Titanium is one of the antivirus internet security.
Titanium Trend Micro Internet Security 2011 has many features that will make you comfortable to wear, among other things:
1. Powerful antivirus protection.
2. Has a security report that is easy to understand.
3. Has a parental control feature that is easy to set and gives a chance.
4. Protect your data from a variety of theft.
5. Securely erase your data.
6. System features a tuner for optimizing your windows computer.
7. Providing backup feature and automatic file synchronization with 2GB of online storage for free.
8. Has a display feature that can be customized with your favorite pictures or photos.
Antivirus is normally sells for $ 48.95. But you will be able to get it for free with a valid license from the vendor. Follow the steps below:
1. Download installer here
2. Extract the file by using an application extractor like winrar or winzip you can downloadhere
3. When the installation process select the trial version.
4. Congratulations you have earned Titanium Trend Micro Internet Security 2011 for free
1 komentar:
Guys, the file/links above are not working, tried it and nothing.. after searching for some time, I found the working one, and I will share to you guys...
IT also has instructions on how to install! I hope I helped :)
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