If you are a webmaster or blogger, you may be familiar with the term or article spinning article spinner. Spinning articles is a technique to create a unique web article by replacing some words with synonyms. This technique allows us to make hundreds of unique articles from only one source article.
To do spinning articles, article spinner software required.SpinnerChief is one article spinner software is quite powerful. As shown here, shows that SpinnerChief have different versions.SpinnerChief Elite is the highest version of a very full featured. To have it, you are required to pay $ 197.
But you do not need to worry, SpinnerChief SpinnerChief 2 Beta which is the latest version you can get free and legal in a way which I will explain shortly.
To get SpinnerChief 2 Beta for free and legal, just follow the following guidelines:
1. SpinnerChief 2 Beta Download here
2. Spinnerchief2.zip extract then run SpinnerChiefII.exe
4. Now you can enjoy all the features for free via the EliteSpinnerChief SpinnerChief 2 Beta.
Of a little experiment I did, there are a few tips you can use to getan article with the results of spinning a good and readable.
1. Use a thesaurus to get synonyms Cloud is more diverse andaccurate.
He cried again .. SpinnerChief Beta 2 supports dozens oflanguages including Bahasa Indonesian, so that you can do thespinning articles in Indonesia.
3 komentar:
Awammm Gak ngerti dah Msalah Kayak Gni
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dicoba dulu mas....
file nya kok corupt ya mas?
diinstal tidak lengakap.
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