Kamis, 12 April 2012

Download Ashampoo Office 2010 With Free (22 Hours Only!)

Almost all computers would require office software in it. Office software is required to create or edit a document file, either to work .. school and other purposes. One of the most popular office software is Microsoft Office. There are also Open Office which is the most popular free office software. But apparently the two big names behind the office software, there are other vendors who produce software that is Ashampoo office. The good news, in the next 22 hours you can get the license Ashampoo Office 2010 for free and legal!

Just like Microsoft Office or other office software, Ashampoo Office 2010 is also an office software suite that can be used to create or edit documents. Ashampoo Office 2010 consists of:

1. Ashampoo TextMaker 2010, which functions similar to Microsoft Word

2. Ashampoo PlanMaker 2010, which functions similar to Microsoft Excel
3. Ashampoo Presentations 2010, which functions similar to Microsoft PowerPoint
4. Ashampoo Office 2010 can edit or save the file with a format Microsoft Office documents. In other words, Ashampoo Office 2010 is 100% compatible with Microsoft Office.

Okay because the free time to stay 22 hours, please follow the instructions to immediately download office 2010 full version of Ashampoo following:

1. Those who still do not have an account please create here Ashampoo
2. Once registered, just this page and fill in your email address and click the big blue button. 
    NB: The above link is only valid until Friday, April 13th, 2012 at 17: 00 
3. Enter your account password and click Einloggen and get your lisensi
4. Download Ashampoo Office 2010 installer from this link
5. Install and activate the license Ashampoo Office 2010 that you got earlier.

It should be noted that the language used during the installation process is the German language. Do not understand German? same ^ ^ .. but with a little help of Google Translate, I was finally able to install successfully. Here is a process you need to do to mengisntall Ashampoo Office 2010:

1. Run the file. Exe that had been downloaded.
2. Click Weiter
3. Click Kostenlosen Lizenzschlussel anforden then enter your license on the form provided. After that click aktivieren Jetzt!
4. A window that shows you have an active license will open. Click Weiter.
5. Remove the tick-tick the existing order does not come installed Ashampoo toolbar, then click Weiter.
6. After that it will at the time of the installation process will appear a popup choice of language, of course, choose English

Enjoy it 

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